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Storehouse Ministry

Open Mon - Thu from 9AM - 12PM
(719) 229-4512

The Storehouse is a ministry of Woodland Park Community Church. We seek to serve our Heavenly Father by prayerfully following the teachings of Jesus Christ and demonstrating His unconditional love to those in need in our community.

We seek to provide emergency resources and assistance with the following ministries:

Financial Assistance

We help those in financial need on a limited basis for items such as rent, utilities and other emergency needs.


Many families in Teller County rely on firewood as a major heat source for their homes. We acquire firewood each year from many sources. A team of volunteers periodically cuts, splits and delivers it to those in need.

“Next 48” Food Bags

When food needs exist that cannot wait for other Teller County food providers, we step in with “the next 48 hour” food bags. This program provides the basic food necessities for an individual or family for the next 48 hours.

Household Goods

We provide a limited amount of household and linen goods upon availability. We also can provide a resource for furniture and appliances for purchase at a very reasonable cost.

Laundry Assistance

We provide vouchers for washing and drying clothes at a local laundromat. Detergent is provided.

Hot Showers

We provide vouchers for taking a shower at a local campground. Towels and hygiene products are also provided if needed.

Coats, Jackets, Hats, Gloves and Scarves

Colorado can be cold in all season. We have both men’s and women’s coats and jackets. Women of the church have lovingly made hats, gloves and scarves.

Medical Lending Closet

We lend durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, knee scooters and many other pieces of medical equipment as well as incontinent supplies.

Transitional Housing

We have two condominiums that are used as transitional housing for up to a year for families that qualify. This housing is coupled with a program. A Care Coordinator team is assigned to each family to intentionally assist with counseling, support, and access to resources with a view to helping each family transition to independence. Request more information or fill out an application.

Job Assistance Program

We pre-interview clients, identifying key obstacles to their individual employment process and develop a workable plan to overcome those obstacles. We then empower clients toward their career goals with skills/interest inventories, resume building, skill development, job training and education, dress for success, interviewing training, financial management, entrepreneurship, and more!

Donations in all ministries are very appreciated.

Online Connection Card

Let us know you were here.

To submit a prayer request .

Prayer Request

Let us know how we can pray for you.

Volunteer Signup

Please let us know you'd like to volunteer.

Current Volunteer Needs:

Budget Vote

Please share your vote on the budget.

Elder Candidates

Please share your vote for the new elder candidate.